Categories: Leadership

5 business and personal development books for a better 2021

If you love reading books, then you will never lack a companion, guide or mentor. And the best thing about this mentor is that it makes you the boss, while you decide which lessons to embrace and practice and which ones to skip, at a pace that suits you.

The previous year has been a roller coaster ride of tremendous fear, pain and sorrow but it also taught us the real value of self-control, flexibility and adaptability. While we are thankful that the worst is over, uncertainty still looms in the horizon. And the best way forward is to brush up your finance and personal development skills that can help in making big changes in your daily life.

Brighten up your 2021 with these few books recommended Rayson Choo, in an article published by BBN.

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

There tons of books available on improving habits and why won’t there be – after all our habits make us the person we are! This book, however, has many USPs. Written by New York Times Best-selling author, Brendon Burchard it offers a unique perspective on habits. The book precisely focuses on six habits, that Burchard highly recommends for implementing in the readers’ lives.

Moreover, the book is a gold mine of wisdom nuggets that helps readers to become more enlightened and successful as a person.

Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need by Grant Sabatier

If you want to develop a better understanding of money and make it work in your favor, then this book is a must-read for you. The author gives a new meaning to the concept of financial freedom in this book. Sabatier reveals critical nitty-gritties of financial freedom in this book which will be highly beneficial to everybody. If you want to master finances and be able to afford almost anything, then this is the book for you.

Escape: The 4 Stages of Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur by Anik Singal

This book is an essential manual that can propel first time entrepreneurs towards success. The author addresses several soft skills in this book that many noteworthy business books ignore. Here the different key areas of business are broken down and explained in detail. Additionally, it also explains the different skillsets that one needs to develop to become a successful entrepreneur.

Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, et al.

A great book for startups and small businesses – it offers many tools and insights that can be easily put to action, irrespective of the industry or the size of the business. A well-written book, the greatness of which lies in its simplicity – it is very easy to read and process and can be applied in practical situations.

Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice From the Best in the World by Tim Ferriss, Kaleo Griffith, et al.

It is a fantastic book that every 20, 30 and 40 year old individuals should read. The book provides readers access to some of the most powerful people of the world, idolized by the world for their achievements. It offers a great opportunity to learn from the masters and imbibe their wisdom in our lives. The shots of advice that punctuates the interviews are equally interesting and enriching.

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