What is ‘uneconomic growth’? 5 economic stories to read this week

  • This weekly round-up brings you some key economic stories from the past seven days.
  • Top economics stories: Economic crime plagues businesses; Biodiversity loss could cause bankruptcy for countries; how GDP has harmed the planet; young US adults living with their parents; China’s population is about to decline.


Nearly half of businesses are being hit by economic crime

Cybercrime is the biggest fraud threat facing most businesses today, according to a new PwC survey.



Cyber attacks are the leading economic crimes hitting businesses. Image: PwC

The rise of digital platforms and e-commerce has given new opportunities to fraudsters, with 40% of the businesses surveyed that have experienced fraud in the past two years saying it was connected to the digital platforms they use.

Discover why economic crime is on the rise and how businesses can tackle it.


How biodiversity loss could cause bankruptcy in some countries

Roughly one million animal and plant species are at risk of extinction according to the UN. The economic impacts of this vast decline in biodiversity have been outlined by the University of Cambridge in this report. Many countries would be at risk of going bankrupt as their credit ratings deteriorate due to ecological factors such as biodiversity loss, according to the research.



How the credit rating of 26 countries could be affected by biodiversity loss. Image: University of Cambridge

For almost half of these 26 countries, their risk of bankruptcy could increase by 10%. Learn more about the economic consequences of biodiversity loss.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ET Edge Insights, its management, or its members

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